
Chechersk district is an administrative unit in the north-east of the Gomel region.  The administrative center is the town of Chechersk. The district area is 1.23 thousand square kilometers. The administrative-territorial structure of the district includes 7 village councils and 126 settlements. The district borders with Korma, Vetka, Buda-Koshelevo and Rogachev districts of Gomel region, Krasnopolye district of Mogilev region and Krasnogorsk district of Bryansk region of the Russian Federation.

The area has quite favorable natural conditions for the development of all spheres of human activity. The climate is moderately continental with warm summers and mild winters. The flat nature of the relief contributes to the development of settlements, agricultural land development, the functioning of industrial organizations and highways.

There are 35 rivers and 8 main canals on the territory of the Chechersk district. The main rivers of the district are Sozh and Chechera. All rivers and channels of the Sozh basin belong to the river system of the Black Sea. The reserves of available fresh surface and groundwater are sufficient to meet both the existing and the future needs of the population and economy sectors, the development of fish farming, water tourism and recreation.

The most important part of the natural complex of the district is the forest. It is also a source of raw materials for many industries and an important component of exports for the economy. The forest fund area of the district is 68.8 thousand hectares, forest cover 56%. 

The mineral resources of the Chechersk district are represented by non-metallic minerals - building materials: chalk - 23.4% of the reserves of the Gomel region; as well as building and silicate sands, clays, loams. 
As per territory development type, the Chechersk district is an agrarian sector.

The main specialization and the basis of the economy of the Chechersk district within Gomel region is agriculture. The agriculture of the district specializes in livestock breeding (mainly cattle), the cultivation of grains, forage crops and potatoes.

The district operates 25 educational institutions, including 1 gymnasium, 3 secondary schools, 1 basic school, 4 educational and pedagogical complexes "nursery–kindergarten-secondary school", 5 educational and pedagogical complexes "nursery-kindergarten-basic school", 6 preschool institutions, 1 institution of additional education (district creativity center of children and youth), 1 center for correctional and educational training and rehabilitation , 1 youth sports school, 1 social and pedagogical center, 1 professional lyceum.

The district population is 14.4 thousand people, including urban – 8.8 thousand people, rural – 5.6 thousand people.

The working-age population is 57.9% of the total population.